How Long Do Dental Implants Last For In Loughborough? - image

Many of our patients who enquire about dental implants and consultations for dental implants are concerned about the overall duration of their treatment. To answer that question, several factors need to be considered first.

Factors that Affect the Duration of the Treatment

  • We need to be certain that proper planning is done, when a case is carried out, and that correct diagnosis is made.
  • Secondly, it is paramount to use the correct tools, so high-quality dental implants, abutments (helps hold the tooth and provides an excellent means to attach the crown), and then crowns (that are fit on the abutment).
  • Thirdly, the amount of forces, when the patient bites or moves the jaw from left to right, should also be studied. The bite forces will be looked at in the planning stage so we can minimise the forces going into the implant, making it last longer.

Of course, there are other issues that should be taken into consideration, such as the condition of the gums around the dental implants. They need to be in good condition and healthy, in order to have a successful treatment. Moreover, having healthy gums helps in oral hygiene.
The longevity of dental implants is affected by the social history of the patient. Factors, for example, such as smoking, can have a negative impact on the success rate of the implants. Yes, we do treat patients that smoke, but we have to explain the risks involved in smoking and how this unhealthy habit affects the longevity, as well as the integration, of the implants. If a patient smokes, for instance, 15 cigarettes a day, we always advise them to cut down their smoking habit, to have the predictable result for the future.
A patient’s medical history is also associated with the success or failure of the implants. Certain pre-existing medical conditions and diseases, such as uncontrolled diabetes, may cause factors that relate to implant failure. We tend to not treat patients with uncontrolled diabetes because of the risk factors involved, considering wound healing.

Important Note: It is absolutely necessary the patient has extremely good oral hygiene, which is maintained by all means, when the implant crowns are completed. This includes flossing, brushing, and using a mouthwash. Also, future maintenance of the implant contributes to its longevity.
Useful Advice After you Have an Implant

We always advise our patients to see a dentist every 6 months and have radiographs of the implants at least once a year, to monitor the bone stability of the dental implants. At SameDay Teeth Suite, we say it is important to see a knowledgeable hygienist who understands how to craft an implant and has been educated in this field. This is the only way you can protect your investment and make sure the implants last for a long time, which is from 10 and up to 15 years, always depending on the case though. Normally, when a patient does not follow instructions and doesn’t have a good hygiene or has medical history like the one mentioned before, the implants tend to last less. All in all, it is important to understand that implants are like natural teeth. They should be maintained through proper care, as already discussed. Otherwise, you run the risk of implant failure, in the future.

If you want to know more about dental implants and how to take care of them, you can  contact us to book your first FREE consultation and have all your questions answers TODAY!

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