Posts Tagged ‘bridge’

Double Jeopardy – Crown or Bridge with Braces

Posted on: April 25th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Some patients have complex problems and, although they want to straighten their teeth to improve their image and self-esteem, are under the impression they can’t have braces if they already have a crown or a bridge. They believe it is either one thing or another.  Not true.  The Same Day Teeth Suite are happy to correct this misconception and correct your smile.

The first step in repositioning your teeth involves a consultation with the dentist to see what is wrong, be it crooked teeth, uneven teeth, gaps or overcrowding, and to take x-rays to check the overall health of your teeth.  A full examination will determine the stability of an existing crown or bridge, and any other dental work, before treatment commences.  The dentist will discuss with you what is possible, what is probable and what you want to achieve with the end result.


This patient was very embarrassed by his smile, the position of his teeth and the unnatural crown on his central incisor.  He wanted to improve the cosmetic appearance of his teeth and his image.  Self-confidence is an important factor with everyone who wants straight teeth and none of us want to be ashamed when we open our mouth to speak or smile for the camera. A humiliating smile can be so debilitating and can now be repaired discreetly, no matter your age.

After examination of the mouth and proper discussion and planning, it was decided this patient was to have braces to straighten his teeth.  Once the teeth were straightened, he followed on with whitening treatment to improve the colour of his teeth and a high-quality crown, to replace the unsightly crown on his upper central tooth, enhancing the final result.


What a difference!  It is not surprising this patient is delighted with the end result and is happy to show you his new and natural smile.

Brace treatment is a commitment. It is very important the patient wears a retainer every night or every second night following treatment for the rest of life to prevent the teeth from moving and returning to their original position.  But fear not, retainers are no longer as uncomfortable as you might have once imagined.

Take a step in the right direction and book an appointment at the Same Day Teeth Suite for a FREE consultation.

Options for Replacing a Single Missing Tooth

Posted on: May 15th, 2014 by freshadmin No Comments

As you get older, you can lose teeth for a variety of reasons. You might have an accident or suffer from periodontal (gum) disease that weakens the bed of your tooth making it more likely to fall out. Not replacing a single missing tooth can lead to complications later on and can cause problems for oral hygiene.

Many people will take the cheap option and leave the missing tooth, not realising that this could be a mistake. Your other teeth may begin to shift and you might favour one side of your denture to the other, causing greater wear. Having your full complement of teeth ensures an even bite and less risk of developing problems like gum disease.

The other cheaper option is to get a removable denture or plate. This is made of acrylic and essential covers the roof of your mouth. The problems people find with this solution is that they cannot taste very well and particles of food can get trapped quite easily. If the denture is not removed and cleaned regularly it can cause problems like developing fungal infections.

You can also get a single tooth denture which is often chosen as a good temporary option prior to having an implant put in.

Having a Bridge

There are two options for bridges – fixed or resin-retained.

A fixed bridge – the teeth either side of the gap are cut to little pegs and the prosthetic bridge attached. A company like Evolve Dental Studio (NZ Laboratory) can match the colour of your surrounding teeth and produce a bridge within two weeks. The disadvantage of using a fixed bridge is that it is destructive to the surrounding teeth but, with good oral hygiene and care, it can last as long as ten years.

A resin-retained bridge – this is not as destructive on the adjacent teeth and is better for areas that don’t take much load such as the front teeth. It is not considered robust enough for the posterior teeth because of the work that your molars have to do in chewing. A well looked after resin retained bridge can last up to 5 years with good oral hygiene.

Having an implant

A titanium screw is placed in the jawbone which is then left to osseointegrate (knit with the bone) over a period  3-6 months. An implant crown is then made that is placed over the screw. Implants are the more expensive than other options but there is less damage to the surround teeth and, with a good oral hygiene regime, can last a lifetime.

How you replace your missing teeth will depend on many factors. At the Sameday Teeth Suite in Nottingham, Leicester and Loughborough we pride ourselves in helping you to make the right decision by offering you a frank discussion with a dental specialist who will talk through your concerns, finances and what goals you want to achieve with your treatment.