Posts Tagged ‘hypodontia’

The 4 Steps of Tooth Extraction in Nottingham

Posted on: May 16th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Even the toughest and bravest of us baulk at the idea of having a tooth extracted.  The very thought is enough to send us running in the opposite direction. Fortunately for anyone who needs a tooth removed, the Same Day Teeth Suite can make this a painless, stress-free experience, putting your anxieties to rest once and for all.

  1. Why extract teeth?

    Nowadays,  adult teeth are only extracted by your dentist for a  very good reason. Your dentist will do everything in his power to save a tooth before even contemplating extraction. However, this is not always possible. You may have a badly infected or decayed tooth or your wisdom teeth have erupted, and you will be better off having them extracted before they cause serious problems. Perhaps you have a very overcrowded mouth with too many teeth and need to lose a few in order to allow the remainder to be straightened. Alternatively, you need dental implants or dentures and need to have some teeth extracted to make way for implant surgery and your new crowns.

  2. How is a tooth extracted?

    When a tooth can’t be saved or is causing problems, and all alternative remedies have been exhausted, it will have to be extracted. The procedure involves numbing the area with anaesthetic so you can’t feel any pain or discomfort. The only sensation you will feel is a slight pressure as the dentist forcibly moves the tooth, loosening the ligaments and bone enough to allow the tooth to slip out. You may hear an unpleasant splintering noise, but as the whole procedure is over in seconds, there is nothing to worry about. It is as simple as that!

  3. What happens after tooth extraction?

    As soon as the tooth, or teeth, have been removed, the socket of the tooth is packed with a pad of surgical wool, and you bite down to apply pressure. After a few minutes, the bleeding stops, and a clot begins to form. It is always a good idea to ask a family member or friend to drive you home as, for the first 24 hours following tooth extraction, you must not take any exercise. Any increase in blood pressure can cause the socket to start bleeding again. Do not rinse the socket and disturb the clot in the first 24 hours. Do not smoke and avoid alcohol, as these both can disrupt and delay the healing process.

The following day you will need to start hot water and salt mouthwashes to keep the socket clean and assist healing. A gentle rinse, and not a gargle, will prevent shifting the clot which will have formed in the empty socket, causing it to bleed again. If you are on blood thinning medication, your dentist will go over all the essential safeguards before you begin treatment.

What do you do about the gap?

One of the most distressing factors with tooth extraction is the idea of a gap in your teeth. Even just one tooth, especially if it is at the front, can look unsightly, make it awkward to eat or to speak naturally and ruin a smile. Once your mouth has healed, we can begin treatment to resolve the problem with a dental implant fitted into the empty socket and a custom made crown to take the place of your lost tooth. We will soon have you smiling again.

Is fear getting in the way of your needed tooth extraction? Post a comment below if you have any question or need reassurance.

Growing up without teeth; How to resolve the problem of teeth that never form

Posted on: May 9th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

In dentistry, hypodontia is the condition at which the patient has missing teeth as a result of the failure of those teeth to develop.  Hypodontia describes a situation where the patient is missing up to five permanent teeth, usually involving the maxillary lateral incisors, the teeth either side of your two top front teeth. The baby teeth, or milk teeth, fall out but the adult, permanent teeth do not grow in, leaving the child with a complex problem that may not be resolved until adulthood and only with the help of a good dentist.  Such a condition can leave the young patient very distressed, but the Same Day Teeth Suite can restore your smile and your confidence long after you have stopped believing in the tooth fairy.  If the problem was not treated in your teens, it is never too late to make a new smile.

During their lifetime a person will have two sets of teeth; the initial set develops during babyhood followed by the adult teeth by the age of ten or twelve years old. However, some unfortunate children’s permanent teeth never form. This involves one or two teeth and, occasionally, more. The result is the adult teeth become misaligned, losing symmetry, causing misery to the patient at a young age. This condition often runs in families and affects girls more often than boys.  By the time it becomes obvious there is no permanent tooth to replace the primary tooth, a plan will need to be made with an experienced dentist to resolve the problem as the child develops into a teenager and then, eventually, an adult.  As the child will not be fully grown when hypodontia becomes apparent, there will need to be a series of treatments put in place before the teeth can be realigned and the resulting gap, or gaps, closed with replacement teeth; with implants or a bridge. Advanced technology has given dentists many more options to resolve the problem, and it is almost impossible to tell replacement teeth from natural teeth nowadays. The braces used to move teeth into their correct position are very discreet and much more comfortable to wear than the fixed braces of the past.

Case study:  A woman in her early thirties came to see us for help to resolve the problem of her missing tooth; a lateral incisor. She had a small gap between her upper front tooth and her canine tooth, not large enough for an adult lateral incisor.  In her teens, she had worn braces.  As soon as the treatment was completed and her teeth were moved to their correct position, leaving space for a bridge and replacement incisor to be fitted, both her upper and lower teeth began moving again as there was nothing to keep her teeth in position.  The treatment was repeated with the second set of braces and a new bridge but all to no avail.  By the time she visited the Same Day Teeth Suite, she was very unhappy with her smile.  She persevered with new, discreet braces fitted top and bottom, followed by retainers that will keep her teeth permanently in place and a new bridge with a natural-looking replacement tooth.  She now has a perfectly symmetrical smile, and her trials are behind her.

If you suspect your child may not be developing his, or her, adult teeth or if you have grown up with missing and misaligned teeth, visit the Same Day Teeth Suite for a free consultation.

6 Good Reasons To Replace Your Missing Teeth Now

Posted on: April 4th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Those of us who delay can remember all the lost chances, missed deadlines, and failures we incurred just because of our nasty habit of putting things off until it is often too late.  However, despite the temptation to procrastinate, when it comes to replacing a missing tooth, there are serious consequences.  The Same Day Teeth Suite will alert you to the dangers of hesitation and replace your missing tooth straight away.

When you lose a tooth through injury or decay, you are at risk of:

  • Adjacent teeth drifting into the space provided by the missing tooth.
  • Causing difficulties in cleaning teeth and oral hygiene.
  • An unattractive smile.
  • Developing a lisp or other speech impediment.
  • Developing a poor bite and chewing efficiency.
  • Bone loss.

Act now, to avoid any or all of these problems in the future.  Avoiding treatment will not help you to escape any of these issues. Eventually, they will catch up with you.  Perhaps it is one of your back teeth that is missing. Just because nobody else can see the unsightly gap when you smile does not make it a case of out of sight, out of mind.

There are many options to replace your missing tooth or teeth, and each has their benefits.  There are long-term implications on your oral health, whichever option you choose.  Dental implants are definitely a great way of replacing teeth because they do not involve cutting down adjacent teeth and wearing a denture, a removable appliance.  Dental implants, both in the way they function and look, are the closest thing to a natural tooth.

If you were to delay in replacing your missing tooth, you would make fitting a dental implant much more challenging and the opportunity might be missed altogether.  The problem is that over time the bone will shrink and the implant, a tiny titanium post, will be very difficult to fit into the shrunken jaw bone. It is possible, with today’s technology, to overcome this problem with a minor bone graft before surgically fitting the implant.  Not only is this a more complex procedure but a more expensive one.  You can save yourself time, money and distress by acting immediately.

Implants replace the roots of your teeth. Made of titanium, because it is unlikely to be rejected, the implant is fitted into your bone socket in place of the missing root. A crown, or cap,  is then bonded or screwed to the implant to make it look just like your natural tooth in shape, size and colour and fills the gap of the missing tooth and is what you will see.  The crown not only looks natural but functions in strength and bite in the same way as real teeth.

Our crowns are made by our skilled and experienced technicians to suit your face and to fit and function naturally.  The crowns are made from different materials which not only dictate the final effect but the cost.  If you are delaying replacing missing teeth for fear of how the treatment will impact on your budget, we offer a financial plan to suit everyone.

If you are missing a tooth and need it replaced immediately, contact the Same Day Teeth Suite.