Posts Tagged ‘tooth loss’

The Truth About Tooth Loss Due to Gum Disease

Posted on: March 21st, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Gum disease or periodontal disease is a complicated and dangerous condition of the mouth that jeopardises your oral health and, of course, your beautiful smile. There are several periodontal diseases that range from simple gum inflammation to a more severe disease that involves significant damage to the bone and soft tissue that support the teeth. The worst-case scenario includes teeth loss.

Causes of Gum Disease

Our mouths have bacteria that along with other particles form a colourless and sticky plaque on the teeth that brushing and flossing can help remove. If you don’t get rid of the plaque every day, it can harden and form tartar. Unfortunately, brushing is no longer a sufficient means to remove tartar, and it requires the assistance of professional cleaning, either a hygienist or a dentist.


By allowing plaque and tartar to remain on the teeth for long, the bacteria inside the mouth cause gum inflammation. You see your gums become swollen and red, and they start bleeding more easily than before. This is called gingivitis, and the longer tartar and plaque are on the teeth, the more harmful it becomes. However, gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease and doesn’t involve bone and/or tissue loss that could put your teeth at risk. Gingivitis can be tackled by brushing and flossing on a daily basis. Plus, a dentist’s (or a dental hygienist’s) intervention to clean your teeth is also essential.


Untreated gingivitis advances to periodontitis. In periodontitis, the gums around the tooth are swollen and pull away from the teeth. As a result, pockets are formed (meaning spaces between the gums and the teeth) that also become infected because as the plaque spreads below the gum line,  the immune system tries to fight the bacteria. This natural response to the infection, combined with the bacterial toxins, begin to break down the connective tissue and the bone that hold the teeth in their place. If something radically is not done at this point, the teeth become loose since the tissue and gums that support them are destroyed. In this case, the teeth will have to be removed.

Risk Factors:

  1. Smoking

    It is perhaps the most critical factors that contribute to developing gum disease. Smoking, be it cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, can also reduce the chances for a successful treatment significantly.

  2. Diabetes

    People with diabetes are at high risk of developing gum disease and other infections.

  3. Hormonal Changes

    These concern women and make gums more sensitive, hence, more susceptible to gingivitis.

  4. Other illnesses-

    AIDS and cancer treatments can also affect the health of the gums.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

  1. Persistent Bad Breath
  2. Gums that are tender/bleeding/ swollen/red
  3. Loose/sensitive teeth
  4. Painful Chewing
  5. Receding Gums
  6. Teeth that appear longer

Any of these symptoms can be a sign of a critical problem that should be checked by a dentist, so if you identify any of these in you, you are strongly recommended to book your FREE consultation NOW and have your mouth checked in full detail.


How is Gum Disease Treated

The sooner you control the infection, the better. The nature of the treatment will depend on the extent of the disease. Please note that all types of treatments require a good daily care at home, too.  Needless to say, quitting smoking is a huge must-do, in order to enhance the treatment outcome.

Also, you will have to undergo a deep-cleaning, called root planing and scaling, to remove the tartar and get rid of the accumulated bacteria. In some cases, your hygienist or dentist may have to use a laser to remove the tartar and plaque. This method has considerably less discomfort, swelling, and bleeding, compared to other traditional deep cleaning methods. Of course, more severe cases will have to be treated via surgery.

Avoid unnecessary surgical treatments and save yourself both the money from costly procedures and distress. Contact us now at Same Day Teeth Suite and let us assess and evaluate your case and guide you through keeping your oral health and beautiful smile for many more years to come!