Even the toughest and bravest of us baulk at the idea of having a tooth extracted.  The very thought is enough to send us running in the opposite direction. Fortunately for anyone who needs a tooth removed, the Same Day Teeth Suite can make this a painless, stress-free experience, putting your anxieties to rest once and for all.

  1. Why extract teeth?

    Nowadays,  adult teeth are only extracted by your dentist for a  very good reason. Your dentist will do everything in his power to save a tooth before even contemplating extraction. However, this is not always possible. You may have a badly infected or decayed tooth or your wisdom teeth have erupted, and you will be better off having them extracted before they cause serious problems. Perhaps you have a very overcrowded mouth with too many teeth and need to lose a few in order to allow the remainder to be straightened. Alternatively, you need dental implants or dentures and need to have some teeth extracted to make way for implant surgery and your new crowns.

  2. How is a tooth extracted?

    When a tooth can’t be saved or is causing problems, and all alternative remedies have been exhausted, it will have to be extracted. The procedure involves numbing the area with anaesthetic so you can’t feel any pain or discomfort. The only sensation you will feel is a slight pressure as the dentist forcibly moves the tooth, loosening the ligaments and bone enough to allow the tooth to slip out. You may hear an unpleasant splintering noise, but as the whole procedure is over in seconds, there is nothing to worry about. It is as simple as that!

  3. What happens after tooth extraction?

    As soon as the tooth, or teeth, have been removed, the socket of the tooth is packed with a pad of surgical wool, and you bite down to apply pressure. After a few minutes, the bleeding stops, and a clot begins to form. It is always a good idea to ask a family member or friend to drive you home as, for the first 24 hours following tooth extraction, you must not take any exercise. Any increase in blood pressure can cause the socket to start bleeding again. Do not rinse the socket and disturb the clot in the first 24 hours. Do not smoke and avoid alcohol, as these both can disrupt and delay the healing process.

The following day you will need to start hot water and salt mouthwashes to keep the socket clean and assist healing. A gentle rinse, and not a gargle, will prevent shifting the clot which will have formed in the empty socket, causing it to bleed again. If you are on blood thinning medication, your dentist will go over all the essential safeguards before you begin treatment.

What do you do about the gap?

One of the most distressing factors with tooth extraction is the idea of a gap in your teeth. Even just one tooth, especially if it is at the front, can look unsightly, make it awkward to eat or to speak naturally and ruin a smile. Once your mouth has healed, we can begin treatment to resolve the problem with a dental implant fitted into the empty socket and a custom made crown to take the place of your lost tooth. We will soon have you smiling again.

Is fear getting in the way of your needed tooth extraction? Post a comment below if you have any question or need reassurance.

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