Perhaps you are an existing patient of the Same Day Teeth Suite, or you had your implants fitted elsewhere.  No Matter. What does matter, however, is how you care for your dental implants in the future.  Not an afterthought but an essential postscript to your treatment to avoid infection, failure or complications, going forward.  You need your implants to last a long time and the Same Day Teeth Suiteare here to see you prevent any problems.

The quality of the dental implants and how well you care for them dictates their longevity and whether you have a trouble-free experience.  We use high-quality implants made by well-established companies who have invested in research and technology to provide dentists with an excellent and trusted product.  We don’t use anything less than the best as dental implants need to integrate and heal well in the jaw bone for a long lifespan.

The implant abutment, or prop, is an important factor in ensuring the dental implant will not get infected and fail. There are various types of abutments available, but we use cad cam abutments for our patients wherever possible.  CAD-CAM abutments are milled using computer technology to make a precision fit.  With such an accurate fit, there are no micro gaps, avoiding the risk of failure. By using good quality, strong abutments, they can withstand the bite force, a potential risk in lesser props. The bite force on a dental implant is increased, as opposed to the bite force on a natural tooth. Experienced technicians using computer technology take this into account when engineering our implants to make sure they last as long as possible.

Not only do the abutments have to be well made and precision engineered but the design of the crown and the bridge is of no less magnitude.  The choice of quality materials and the experience of the technician play a vital role in the superiority of the finished bridge and crown.  The best workmanship not only ensures the longevity of the finished product but makes sure it does not feel alien in your mouth.  Ill-fitting crowns and bridges not only feel uncomfortable but are difficult to clean, leading to infections.  We only use crowns and bridges that are made using advanced technology giving you natural-looking crowns and bridges that fit well.  You deserve the best, and we only fit the best.

Predominantly, in caring for your dental implants, it is important to visit the hygienist every six months.  The hygienist will be able to clean all plaque from your implants and clean those inaccessible areas below the gum line. They will also be able to check how well you clean your teeth at home and advise you, spotting problem areas before any infection sets in. Brushing, flossing and using mouthwash at home is an essential part of your care routine but is only half as effective as including regular visits to the hygienist in prolonging the life of your dental implants. Not all hygienists have the necessary skills or equipment to look after implants.  Be sure to check their experience and qualifications. At our Nottingham clinic, we have a qualified hygienist who will look after your implants expertly.

If you need dental implants, would like your old implants replaced or need to see a hygienist, book an initial consultation.

A few years ago, most people would have dentures replacing their missing teeth. Nowadays, there is a far more advanced, effective and appealing way to do that. Dental implants are the next best thing in dentistry for those missing teeth and here is why.

Reason #1: They are Permanent

First and foremost, dental implants are a permanent fix. This means that you no longer have to worry about having a denture that becomes unstable and loose over time. Imagine all the embarrassing moments you can escape with dental implants! Let’s face it. Dentures are removable and with removable comes wear and tear, and everything that comes along. It makes sense. Can you compare the stability of a fixed option with an alternative that you take in and out your mouth many times within a day?

Reason #2: They Look Natural

With dental implants, you get a natural look. It is as if you have real teeth, and nobody will even suspect you are wearing artificial teeth. With dentures, everybody can tell that the wearer is not having their own teeth. And, why should they know if you can go unnoticed?

Truth been told, the actual implant itself is not the part that looks like a tooth, rather than a small titanium surgical crew that creates the medium with the jaw (for lower teeth) and the skull (for upper teeth). The implants support the new teeth (prosthetic part), which is what looks like a tooth. Advanced dentistry at its best!

Reason #3: They are more Comfortable

If you could avoid dealing with the constant hassle of taking your teeth in and out of your mouth, would you not fall head over heels for it? This is what dental implants offer you: complete freedom to do as you please in your everyday life, and peace of mind; no worries about removing your teeth when you have to eat, or any other reason. Plus, you don’t experience the speech difficulties you have with dentures. With dental implants, all words come out loud and clear!

Reason #4: They are Better for your Bones

Your jawbone is used to supporting teeth. That’s part of its role, actually.  When you lose teeth, the jawbone begins to shrink. With removable dentures, you are only covering the problem. The jaw bone will still continue to shrink, changing your facial structure and causing various problems. The result? You end up with an aged, sunken appearance.

Dental implants, on the other hand, actually stimulate the jawbone so that you can maintain a strong and youthful profile. Think about it for a second. Doesn’t your current denture feel bulky and unnatural? This is your body telling you that your mouth wasn’t designed to accommodate false teeth.

Dental Implants or Dental Bridges?

Naturally, you might be wondering which one is better to use. Again, dental implants aren’t only better than false teeth; they also offer huge advantages over dental bridges, too. Bridges require one of the neighbouring natural teeth to be filled down to pegs. This process can easily cause damage to your remaining, healthy, natural teeth. Unlike bridges, the process of placing dental implants doesn’t put the health of your natural teeth at any risk.

If you are missing teeth, replace them the correct way so that you maintain your oral health. To know more about dental implants, or get your queries answered, book your first FREE consultation at SameDay Teeth Suite or get your FREE Missing Teeth Guide here!

Do you wake up with a headache? Do you clench your jaw?  It is surprising the number of people who do but remain unaware they are grinding their teeth and causing serious damage. Some people don’t even know they have worn down individual teeth until they visit their dentist and the severity of the problem is pointed out, or the tooth loss has become self-evident when they look in the mirror and see the damage they have done.  Don’t wear down your teeth or let your teeth wear you down. If you suffer from bruxism, visit the Same Day Teeth Suite.

Teeth grinding, technically known as bruxism, can remain unnoticed if you are clenching your teeth and grinding while you are asleep.  You might be aware you are not getting a good night’s right but remain unaware you are damaging your teeth as the gradually get worn down.

It is surprising the number of people who grind their teeth while they sleep.  Some people grind their teeth because they are anxious or depressed but the condition is further exacerbated through ageing, illness and stress.  Unless teeth grinding is prevented in the early stages, it can lead to pain and distress as the enamel on your teeth is slowly worn away and you stand a chance of losing your teeth.  If bruxism is diagnosed before you have done any serious damage, wearing a protective mouthguard at night can alleviate the problem. The mouthguard must be made to fit you personally by your dentist and not bought off the shelf.  Cognitive behaviour therapy, or yoga and deep breathing exercises to help you relax and reduce stress can be an alternative permanent solution to bruxism and an alternative to wearing a mouthguard but these methods are not a quick fix.  A lot depends on your commitment to solving the problem.

For some unfortunate patients, the problem of tooth grinding has gone on too long or has remained undiagnosed. So much damage has been done over time; they have suffered tooth loss.   It is imperative the lost teeth are replaced if you are not to suffer further serious dental problems.   If your situation has become extreme, the Same Day Teeth Suite won’t let the problem wear you down, causing more stress and anxiety,  but will fit replacement teeth to solve the problem.

Natural teeth can be replaced with dental implants, crowns, bridges or dentures.  Dental implants are fitted into your jaw bone with a titanium post replacing the root of the damaged tooth and a false tooth, skillfully matched to your existing teeth, fitted on the post.  The SameDay Teeth Suite oversees the design and manufacture of high-quality abutments and crowns from the best dental technicians for each patient. There are alternatives to dental implants including a bridge with a false tooth abutted between existing teeth and dentures, removable false teeth.  Your dentist will help you decide and have your replacement teeth made and fitted without causing further stress.

All’s not lost.  If you think you grind your teeth, or you need replacement teeth, make an appointment with the SameDay Teeth Suite HERE.

When a patient presents with a missing tooth, we offer them three options: a removable denture, a bridge, or a dental implant.
The cheapest options are removable dentures and dental bridges.

1. Removable Dentures

What are the advantages of a removable denture?
Dentures are more economical than dental implants or bridges. You can use high-quality teeth which can make a denture look like a natural tooth. Therefore, meaning, it will improve the look of your smile. Modern dentures are more comfortable and look more like natural teeth than those made with previous technologies and poor-quality materials in the past.

What are the low downs of removable dentures?
Disadvantages of dentures are that there is a period where it takes time to get used to. Initially, they will feel strange in the mouth and may even cause a bit of soreness and excess saliva. You will feel as if sometimes there are certain letters which you can’t pronounce but you will adapt to this.

Another disadvantage is that you will have to learn how to eat with a denture. Chewing feels a bit different initially, but then you will adapt.

It is very important that dentures are cared for. They are very fragile if not handled properly. Dentures will eventually need adjustment or replacement as they wear out and as your mouth and jaw will change during the years.

2. Dental Bridges

Another option to replace a missing tooth is a dental bridge.

What are the advantages of dental bridges?
One of the main advantages of having a dental bridge is that it can look great aesthetically. By using high-quality materials, modern techniques, and high-quality technicians, you can make a bridge look like a tooth.

Another advantage is that a bridge is not removable. It is fixed in your mouth, so you don’t have to worry about taking it out to clean like a denture.

It is still very important to look after the bridge, and this is done with good oral hygiene but also seeing a hygienist regularly. Studies have shown that fixed bridges, like individual crowns, are very predictable and also last a long time if looked after properly.

Another advantage of having a dental bridge is that it requires a relatively quick procedure. For the majority of cases for a dental bridge, it can take 2 appointments from start to finish, which is a much quicker procedure than having an implant or a partial denture.

Dental bridges are sometimes known to be less invasive than dental implants, and sometimes when you require dental implants, you may require a bone graft if you don’t have enough bone. For anyone who can’t have implants due to inadequate bone or for medical reason, a dental bridge is a great fixed alternative.

What are the disadvantages of having a dental bridge?
Each case is different; but of course if you have adjacent teeth which have had no filings, and are known as virgin teeth, then of course it would be highly destructive to cut them down for a dental bridge.

Not all types of bridges are destructive. For example, resin-retained bridges or composite bridges are much more conservative though not as predictable and long-lasting than a fixed bridge.

Another disadvantage of having a bridge is that when a tooth is prepared for a full crown as a part of a bridge, there is a risk that that tooth may require a root canal treatment in the future if the nerve dies.

Another disadvantage is that you have to adapt your cleaning habits around a bridge. Since the fake tooth is joined to the teeth either side, it is not possible to use floss in between the teeth. Therefore, you may have to use something called superfloss underneath the bridge to keep it clean regularly.

To learn what would be the best and the cheapest option for your specific case, give us a call on 01509 323420 to book your free initial consultation.

Some people age gracefully and have healthy looking teeth and lovely smiles.  Others are not so fortunate, and through ageing, accident, injury or ill health are missing teeth.  As this happens, not only do we feel less attractive but our confidence plummets as we feel our younger selves slipping away. We begin to think the only hope is a set of dentures.  Welcome to a new era of replacement teeth and new opportunities.  The Same Day Teeth Suite will enhance your lifestyle when fitting your dental implants and turn back the clock. You could very soon be seeing your familiar self looking back from the mirror and be ready to set sail on new adventures with new or old friends.

You would be surprised how many of those older people with healthy looking teeth and lovely smiles you admire actually already have had dental implants fitted. Dental implants are made by our highly skilled technicians not only to resemble your natural teeth in shape and colour but to fit and function perfectly too.  No risk of embarrassing moments when you bite into your favourite foods or laugh too heartily. Modern dental implants and teeth mimic natural teeth so convincingly it is very hard to tell who has replacement teeth and who does not.

A dental implant is made to simulate a natural tooth by mimicking the crown and the root, buried in the jawbone.  The dental implant, a tiny titanium post, replaces the root of the tooth. A false tooth, or crown, made to replicate a natural tooth,  is then secured to the implant. Although the procedure is not too painful, you will have a sedative and anaesthetic to keep you relaxed and free from pain throughout the treatment.

A realistic-looking dental crown, or set of dentures, is fitted to the posts where it remains, safe and secure. Many improvements have been made since implants were first invented, and millions of people worldwide have a better quality of life because of them.

Fitting implants is now a relatively simple procedure and one that can be done quickly and without a long recovery period.   This is the result of comprehensive preplanning where our clinicians produce a 3D guide that allows us to plan and create your implants accurately.

If you are missing one or more teeth or have lost all of your teeth in one or both jaws, we can fit implants and single tooth replacement.  Multiple teeth may require more implants to support bridgework.  And multiple implants will be needed to support a full arch of teeth or denture.  Whichever you need, your dentist will advise you and talk you through the whole procedure. No doubt about it; dental implants can enhance your lifestyle.

Don’t waste your opportunities, call for a free consultation at the SameDay Teeth Suite.

Watch this video to hear about the experience of this lady who had all her teeth taken out and replaced with implants and Swiss dentures at the Same Day Teeth Suite:

Losing all your teeth can be a traumatic and life changing experience. It can happen when you have gum disease that has progressed so far that the only solution is to remove any remaining teeth and insert a denture. Fortunately, replacing those damaged teeth has taken a significant leap forward in recent years with the development of technologies that create a far better fit for dentures, almost indistinguishable from your normal teeth.

At the Same Day Teeth Suite, we’ve treated many happy people who now have their smile back. As one of our recent patients told us: “I’ve had all my teeth taken out because I had a few loose teeth left and I’ve had Swiss dentures put in and implants. The care has been wonderful and I can’t complain. They’ve never hurt me.”

Dentists have long known that we all eat and chew in different ways. The problem with average NHS dentures is that they are not made to fit a particular individual to the degree is needed. There are certain variables to take into account including the shape and size of the jaw and the way the upper and lower set of teeth interact with each other when chewing.

Badly fitting dentures can be as troublesome as damaged teeth, causing problems with eating and destroying confidence. Looseness is another problem that normal denture wearers habitually suffer from that causes problems on a day to day basis. The Swiss denture is designed to fit perfectly and installed by a qualified dentist can give patients a new set of teeth that actually behave like their real ones.

Swiss dentures are also known as BPS or Biofunctional Prosthetic System and are designed using a variety of moulds and shapes to fit the patient’s mouth almost perfectly. Basically they are a bespoke design for each individual patient and they fit with a combination of denture and implant that means they don’t move around like normal dentures.

If you have been suffering from gum disease and have lost a number of teeth or had to suffer ill-fitting dentures for a while and want something better, Swiss dentures may be the perfect answer for you. They mean that you can move your teeth normally, chew safely and not worry about dentures coming loose at that vital moment.

Putting in Swiss dentures is a fairly quick and easy process under the expert gaze of a qualified dentist. As our recent patient epitomised, the problem some patients have is they think it is going to be a painful process having the remaining teeth removed and the denture put in place. He was impressed by how pain free the process was and would certainly recommend us to his friends and family.

Replacing teeth that have been irreparably damaged through gum disease has never been more hi-tech and affordable. At the Same Day Teeth Suite, we pride ourselves in the personal service that we provide patients, talking them through the process and providing them with a healthy, fully functioning set of teeth that look natural and feel natural. Contact us today to find out more.

Losing one or more of your natural teeth can affect your overall smile and, of course, self-esteem and self-confidence. For that reason, it is important to determine the best way to have them replaced as soon as possible and prevent teeth shifting and periodontal disease, as well as the negative effects of tooth loss on the jawbone and gums. The most prevailing methods to replace missing teeth are fixed bridges and dental implants. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of each, so you can decide which one is best for you.

What are Fixed Bridges?

A fixed bridge is used to bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth, it is permanently cemented into place, and consists of false teeth usually made from porcelain. During this restorative procedure, the neighbouring teeth need to be filed down or shaved so that the dentist has sufficient space to align the crowns correctly with the opposing teeth and enable a strong connection. Needless to say, the natural teeth have to be relatively healthy with no decay or structural issues. Unfortunately, this process is irreversible, and there is no way your natural teeth can be used as normal teeth after they have been modified.

Fixed bridges have an increased risk of decay and cavities, mainly because some of the tooth’s structure is removed. This makes the tooth more prone to decay and leads to the need for a root canal treatment somewhere along the line. Plus, you will have to replace your fixed bridges every 5-7 years to maintain the excellent initial results.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are inserted into the jawbone so that they support a crown, via a surgical procedure. After that, the post has to fuse with the jawbone (it takes approx. 3-5 months) before an abutment is attached to the post. The abutment will provide the platform to screw the dental crown onto (or cement it).

Dental implants can last more than 15 years if inserted by a knowledgeable and skilled dentist. This means that if you have one at your 40s, it will last for life. You will only have to replace the crown every 10-15 years, and this is because of the normal wear and tear. Also, there is little to no gum and bone loss, compared to fixed bridges that come with some loss. Finally, if you are wearing a bridge, you will need special brush and floss, as opposed to dental implants that you can brush and floss like normal.

So, even though both treatments achieve a great aesthetic result, with fixed bridges you will probably have to deal with gum tissue and bone loss, which will happen anyway as we get older, but will cause a problem only to bridges. In this case, there will be gaps opening up underneath the pontics. With a dental implant we actually simulate a natural tooth root as the crown emerges the same way as a natural tooth. Plus, you don’t need to have any healthy tooth grinded down.

Regarding cost, the cost of a bridge or a dental implant depends on factors, such as:

  • The materials used (metal alloy, composite resin, etc.) & their quality.
  • The number of teeth that need replacing.
  • The position of the teeth in the mouth (the front teeth are always more demanding than the posterior).
  • The dentist’s experience.
  • Surgery complexity (for dental implants).

Note: Bridges are usually a more cost-effective solution, compared to implants. However, the latter are significantly more affordable in the long run as they are longer-lasting (don’t have to be replaced as often as dental bridges) and provide better aesthetic results.

Are you a good candidate for dental implants?  contact us to book your first FREE consultation at SameDay Teeth Suite, where we can discuss everything in full detail and come up with the best solution to your problem.

Traditionally dental implants were only possible with months of healing as part of the process before the implanted titanium posts could withstand the pressure of the new teeth.  Dentures were then fitted for the intervening period, which could make the patient feel very self-conscious and unhappy during that time.  The wonder of science has advanced the process, and it is now possible to have Teeth in a Day, with no interceding healing period, at the Same Day Teeth Suite in and go home with your replacement teeth fixed in position.

What are Teeth in a Day? They are implants fitted in a day to save you time or the embarrassment of wearing removable dentures.  Often known as Same Day Teeth. Firstly it’s very important to understand not everyone can have the Teeth in a Day procedure. It is essential the patient has a full mouth examination with X-rays, to ascertain the suitability of Teeth in a Day before commencing the treatment. A lot of planning and preparation is carried out by the clinician before treatment takes place.  It is a surgical procedure and cannot be undertaken lightly. We take a 3D CT scan of your mouth to provide us with essential information, such as the quality and volume of your jaw bone, and to locate nerves and blood vessels.  This allows us to place the dental implants with accuracy.

Patients who have teeth that cannot be salvaged due to gum disease, or a full mouth of decayed teeth, or patients with dentures who would prefer to have fixed teeth, may well be suitable candidates.  More importantly, they all wish to avoid dentures and want to go home the same day with their implants and new teeth in place.

The SameDay Teeth Suite employs only the best technicians to prepare and manufacture the finest titanium posts and false teeth in advance of your procedure.  Not only do the posts and teeth have to fit well and feel good, but they must look natural,  and be carefully coloured to match your natural teeth.

And if you are wondering if all this sounds too much for your budget, we offer affordable payment plan options. Our free consultation is designed to assess the very best solution for your missing teeth, as well as finding a payment arrangement to suit you.

If you would like to know more about Teeth in a Day and are wondering if you are a suitable candidate, please contact the Same Day Teeth Suite HERE

Here at the Same Day Teeth Suite, we see many patients with missing front teeth, and it’s no surprise that these patients are extremely concerned with their dental health.

People are put off dentures and are reluctant to get bridges because they feel that their healthy teeth may be cut – something that can cause further problems in the future – but it is important to remember that there are other options to explore before becoming completely resigned to a life of dental discomfort. What we do here is provide people with other ways to treat their dental problems in order to help them recover at a rate that suits them in – our teams working to ensure this happens both the short and long term.

An option we offer as part of these alternative treatments is dental implants. We deal with a large number of people throughout the year, but one particular patient springs to mind. He had an accident that caused him to lose his front tooth, and we explained that implants were an extremely suitable option, along with the more traditional methods of bridges and implants. After much discussion with the patient to work out what they were most comfortable with, we opted to use the implants – something that worked with great success, despite the seriousness of the case.

Before treatment


We carried out a CT scan, took models and made guides to enable us to place the implant in the most accurate position possible to avoid any complications later down the line. Through placing this high-quality implant in the best position within the patient’s mouth, it allowed us to ensure the treatment was able to remain in place for a considerable amount of time after its implementation. Without such planning, the entire procedure would have been a waste of time, leaving the patient in unnecessary discomfort – something our team do their utmost to avoid.

Dental Implant fitted


Three months later, we took an impression of this implant and with this, we were able to make what is known as an abutment. This is made using CAD/CAM technology – in layman’s terms, it’s extremely well built – and is expected to be strong enough to withstand any general wear and tear over a prolonged period of time. The patient goes to see our technician for a computerised shade match, allowing us to get the best possible colour to match the abutting tooth, and the patient is left with a tooth that fits in perfectly with the rest of his mouth – job done.

Natural looking new front tooth


If you feel that your missing tooth or teeth are hindering your day-to-day life and you feel that the options presented to you by your dentist may not be suitable for you, then don’t panic. Here at the Same Day Teeth Suite, our team of professionals are on hand to provide you with comprehensive care that leaves both you and your mouth feeling happy and healthy. Contact us today here and take the first steps towards dental implant treatment.


Whether we have given it any thought or not, technology has impacted on our lives in so many wonderful ways.  We now have an incredible wealth of information, ideas and expertise at our fingertips.  Dentists and Dentistry have not been excluded, changing our attitudes to implants and their new replacing teeth capabilities.  Welcome to the digital world of the Same Day Teeth Suite.

Digital planning strategies to replace missing teeth

Digital planning strategies in implant dentistry have not only generated improved diagnosis but safer and more predictable planning of implant surgery procedures.  Before considering implant surgery, we can now take digital photos of the patient’s mouth.  The photos are then put up on our big plasma screen, not only allowing our dentists to diagnose the problem and see what treatment is needed, but to communicate with the patient the intricacies of what is involved.  This not only gives the dentist the opportunity of communicating complex issues visually but allows the patient to participate, working with their dentist to achieve a final result they know they will be happy with.  Digital planning removes the guesswork and gives you confidence in the implant procedure. The digital photos continue to be used by the team of dentists, the technicians and the hygienist to produce the best results all-round.


Another new concept, we take digital x-rays to provide us with information about the quality of your jaw bones, where the nerves are placed, where your sinuses are and where your teeth are, above and below the bone. We can see from the x-rays not only where there are existing problem areas but where there might be problems in the future.

CT Scan

A CT scan is an invaluable piece of technology for implant surgery and complex procedures. Computed tomography, CT,  is a special type of x-ray equipment used when regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient. We use this technology to produce three-dimensional images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone in a single scan. The scan allows us to place the implant in the software, so we have a precise model at the time of your surgery.  The CT scan allows us to produce an accurate digitally constructed guide, making the surgery predictable and safe.


Another modern addition to dentistry is the use of Computer-aided manufacturing. CAM is the use of computer software to control machine tools and related machinery in the manufacturing of dental crowns for implants.  We work closely with our team of skilled technicians to produce realistic, natural looking teeth which not only look good but fit and function as well as your natural teeth.  Following on from the impressions we make of your teeth in the surgery, CAM technology takes over.  The technical team at our laboratory scan your impressions into their software.  Each step of the process can be recorded and adjusted from a three-dimensional model on their screen.  The computer, under the eye of an expert technician, instructs the machines and your new teeth are custom-made to fit accurately, in size, shape and colour.  The team can guide the tools to make minuscule adjustments so you can eat and smile comfortably and confidently.  Modern crowns, or replacement teeth, are not a case of one size fits all but engineered from great materials as precisely as a Swiss watch.

Have you lost or need to replace your teeth. Please email us we would love to hear your personal experiences.