A major accident or minor trauma can cause significant injury to your teeth.  Following something as traumatic as a car crash or as trivial as biting on a toffee, missing, dislodged or chipped teeth need immediate attention. The Same Day Teeth Suite will give you a free consultation and a prompt dental examination as it is vital the problem is diagnosed, and appropriate treatment is carried out, without delay before the remaining and adjacent teeth are potentially affected. The dentists have the technology and techniques to skillfully repair your teeth and prevent further problems.

Dental problems take many shapes and forms. Every case is different. You may have lost or cracked your incisors by being hit in the face accidentally with a cricket bat or fractured a tooth the day before your wedding.  The type of treatment required will vary from case to case, but help is at hand.

Tooth Loss Accidents

If you have fractured a large piece from one or more of your teeth, the dentist may decide a crown is the best form of treatment.  A tooth-shaped cap made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, metal, resin or ceramic, is created to fit permanently over your natural, damaged tooth.  Metal crowns are the strongest but porcelain or resin crowns are made to look as natural as your existing teeth.  If the damage is extensive, and most of the tooth has broken off, the dentist may decide to place a pin in the root and create a strong foundation for a crown, holding it permanently in place so it does not cause problems with adjacent teeth, and you can eat and speak normally.

If for any reason, you have accidentally knocked out one of your teeth, or possibly more, it is important to know how to protect the tooth in the event your dentist can re-implant it.  Firstly, make an emergency appointment with your dentist without delay.  Protect the loose tooth until your appointment by rinsing it with milk or salt water and keeping your tooth in your mouth if possible, either in its socket or between your cheek and gum.  Do not handle the tooth by the root, only by the crown. Do not rinse the tooth with plain water or alcohol and, if you can’t keep it in your mouth, put it in a clean container covered with milk or your own saliva.  If you can get to the dentist ideally within an hour of the accident or injury, and the tooth is healthy and properly protected, you have a good chance of saving the tooth.  If the dentist considers it prudent to re-implant, a splint of clear plastic or wire will be fitted to the abutting teeth to hold the implanted tooth in place whilst it heals.

Replacing Teeth

If it is not possible to re-implant your tooth, or you have lost a number of teeth, your dentist may advise an implant, a bridge or dentures. Implants consist of a titanium post, to replace the root, to which a carefully constructed crown is fixed.  This is the favoured method of replacing lost teeth as it is permanent, looks and feels natural and prevents further problems. A bridge may be recommended when more than one tooth needs replacing. A bridge, made of a row of natural looking ceramic teeth, is fixed into place by cementing the bridge to the adjacent remaining teeth.  Dentures, or false teeth, fit into the mouth with a removable frame holding the artificial teeth. Patients with complex or traumatic dental problems can now benefit from a new, simplified procedure known as the all-on-4 system that makes full-arch rehabilitation possible. A fixed bridge, supported by just four dental implants, can be undertaken painlessly in just one day.

Whether you are facing a drama or a crisis, The Same Day Teeth Suite have the solution.  Our sympathetic team will advise the correct treatment and restore your smile, helping you to feel a whole lot better in no time at all.


Dental implants have a success rate that exceeds 95%. However, as with any other medical procedure, caution should be taken as there are also risks involved that can lead to complications ranging from something simple and up to the total failure of the treatment. You see, dental implants are designed to be the next best thing regarding tooth replacement. Indeed, they are popular alternatives to fixed bridges and dentures because they are permanent. Plus, they are more aesthetically pleasing and functional, given that they anchor artificial teeth directly into the jawbone.

Despite the remarkable track record of successful dental implant procedures thus far, there are cases where patients experience complications, and following is a list of the most common reasons and causes behind implant failure that you should know of.

  1. Implant Fell Out

    The majority of problems are usually minor and easily solved, providing you have a fast response and seek professional help. That aside, there are instances when the jaw bone does not fuse together with the implant as supposed over the course of several months after the placement of the implant. This could be attributed to incorrect positioning, overloading, insufficient bone volume or density, damage to surrounding tissues, and others, some of which are described below.

  2. Infection

    Gum disease or an infection can take place when bacteria are present either postoperatively or during the oral surgery with lack of proper hygiene. It could also be attributed to the dental cement that is used to seal the crowns placed on top of the implant. If it escapes and gets in the gums, it can lead to gum and/or bone inflammation surrounding the implant. Another periodontal disease called peri-implantitis can also cause implant failure, and it could take even months after the surgery to occur. Finally, people with systemic diseases, such as diabetes (especially uncontrolled), as well as smokers, are at greater risk of developing the infection and severely jeopardise the success rate of an implant.

  3. Overloading

    When placing an implant, it is paramount to load it in two stages, not immediately. The first phase is when the implant is placed and is allowed time to integrate with the bone. The second and final phase involves the placement of the components that protrude above the gums. That way, the patient has a quicker recovery and, undoubtedly, shorter treatment times. When performing immediate loading (overloading), meaning placing both the crown and the abutment on the implant immediately after it’s been surgically inserted, the implant integration process is incomplete and leads to complications, including implant failure. The pressure applied to the protruding crown and/or abutment are just too much to bear.

Other Reasons for Dental Implant Failure:

  • Inappropriate design of the crown, bridge, or denture that goes on top of the implant.
  • Insufficient bone quantity & quality in the jaw, especially the upper back.
  • Rejection of the implant by the body that sees it as a foreign object (similar to organ transplants).

Important Note: To avoid most of these issues, it is critical to maintain a good oral hygiene with regular brushing and flossing and, of course, see a hygienist every 3-6 months. Needless to say, early detection is always the key to any solution.

What we always remind our patients at SameDay Teeth Suite is that dental implants don’t last a lifetime, but if all the procedures are done correctly, they can last a very long time indeed.

Are dental implants the best option for your case? Need more information on dental implants or have worries about related to implant failure? Don’t hesitate to book your first complimentary consultation and save yourself from unnecessary trouble and discomfort.

Losing teeth can be a knock to your self-confidence especially as you get older. At the Same Day Teeth Suite, we’ve got plenty of experience in dealing with patients who want to see their smiles transformed.

In truth, most people don’t look forward to their visit to the dentist – it seems the natural state for a large number of us. Fortunately, we pride ourselves in putting all our patients at complete ease. Such was the case with one particular patient who admitted to a few jitters when he attended the clinic:

“I was apprehensive. I wasn’t quite sure what would be entailed but things worked out as well as I could have expected.”

Our first step in any treatment or appointment is to make sure the patient is relaxed and realises they are in a secure environment with qualified professionals who know what they are doing. That comes not just from our clinicians but also the nurses and support staff on site. Much of the problem with any dental procedure including extraction and putting in implants is the fear that it will hurt. With the latest techniques we can assure patients that they won’t be put in the position where they are suffering – and at the end of it all they will have a smile they can show the world. This particular patient was to have one tooth removed and two implants installed to his lower teeth.

It’s a relatively simple procedure nowadays and one that can be done quickly and without the long period of discomfort that used to be characteristic of days gone by. Most of this comes from the preplanning stage where our clinicians produce a 3D guide that allows us to place and create your implants accurately.

For single tooth replacements there are a number of options available:

  • A crown that acts as a cap over your existing tooth and can protect it from further wear
  • A single bridge that can fill the gap between a number of missing teeth
  • Single implants made of titanium onto which the new tooth is then attached

For our patient, the option was to have single implants and he was pleasantly surprised with how smoothly everything went:

“I’ve certainly had no problems at all and everything’s gone to plan. Everything’s gone on time and I am very happy with the result. I had a tooth removed, two implants and my front teeth, my lower front teeth now are very much like they were before, even maybe looking better.”

Even though he was a little apprehensive at first, like many other patients, he was very pleased with the result and can now enjoy smiling again without people noticing a gap or a fake tooth.

At the Same Day Teeth Suite, we know how important your smile is. We meet a lot of people who have been initially nervous about visiting the dentist, especially those in their 50s who perhaps think there is no point in having treatment. It’s surprising how something like a dental implant can transform someone’s self-confidence and give them a new lease of life.

If you want to find out how quick and easy it is to have an implant then contact us at the Same Day Teeth Suite today.

A serious concern of people that have lost a tooth, or had to have one extracted, is how to preserve the bone. It is well-known by now that after an extraction or tooth loss, one also experiences facial bone loss, with devastating, complex consequences that affect several aspects of their life. It is a significant issue that is not given the proper attention for various reasons that belong to another discussion.

In traditional dentistry, the replacement of the missing tooth focused on restoring the missing tooth with bridges or dentures. However, this was an approach that did not include or address the bone loss, which would mathematically occur in the future. Fortunately, modern dentists have options that help preserve the bone after a lost tooth, such as Socket Grafting.

What Happens Inside the Mouth After Tooth Loss?

It is a way to preserve the bone after extractions. Allow us to explain a few basics, so you get a better idea of what we are talking about here…

When you lose a tooth, the bone around it (the socket) starts to deplete, in both height and width. After the tooth is removed, most patients fall under one of the following 2 categories: (1) have a dental implant within the first 6-8 weeks after tooth loss or extraction, or (2) place an implant much later, which could be more than 6 months to a year after tooth loss.

At this point, it is imperative to understand that the sooner we replace the missing tooth/teeth, the better we help preserve the bone around that area. Delaying placing an implant allows the bone to shrink. This means patients that postpone the placement of an implant run the risk of requiring a bit of bone grafting, when their implant is finally placed. This, of course, adds to the cost.

Introducing Socket Grafting

So, if you want a dental implant in the future (let’s say 1-2 years down the line), then you may want to consider Socket Grafting (or Ridge Preservation), a procedure we, at Same Day Teeth Suite offer. In short, Socket Grafting is a procedure that allows the dentist to graft artificial bone into the socket, straight after the extraction. With Socket Grafting, we are able to maintain a good volume of bone for quite a while, before we place a dental implant there.
With a simple procedure such as this, you can maintain a good bone volume and have an implant 6-12 months after you have lost a tooth. It is definitely a money saving technique that prevents major grafting in the future, ideal for patients that do not want to or can’t have a dental implant right away.

If you have similar concerns, don’t hesitate at all. Contact us or call us on 01509 323420 and let’s book your first appointment with no financial commitments whatsoever. To us, your oral health and to have every reason to smile after you leave our clinics is our biggest reward!

Besides the confidence you gain back when having dental implants and the aesthetically pleasing outcome, there are numerous other advantages. For example, dental implants (if the right high-quality materials are used) are the next best thing to natural healthy teeth. If someone loses a tooth, their options are either to have a denture, which is something that covers the palate or a large area of the lower jaw and can be cumbersome, or a dental bridge, which would involve cutting the adjacent teeth. Other benefits include:

Allows you to Enjoy Life

You don’t have to worry about your social life. We see many patients that come to our practice with problems, such as their dentures flying out while they speak, being loose, or having to wear messy Polygrip to hold it in. There are also several patients that have dentures to replace one or many teeth. Imagine if you had to go to a restaurant and be constantly concerned with what you can eat or that the denture might pop out when you speak!

They are natural-looking

If top quality materials are not used, dentures do not have a natural-looking outcome. However, we all know that the aesthetics of the teeth is important when wearing dentures. A dental implant is a fixed replacement that allows a patient to engage in their everyday interaction, speak, dine, etc. and be confident in them all. To accomplish that, there is only one way: use high-quality materials to make the teeth look as natural as possible.

They Maintain the Shape of your Face

When people lose a lot of their teeth or all of their teeth, their face can sag or appear sunken in. Dental implants will allow to maintain the shape of the bone and thus the face and smile. This, in turns, also affects your overall mood.

They can last long

As previously mentioned, dentures, when high-quality materials have been used, have an excellent outcome. They are perceived to be a real solution for the future, replacing traditional bridges that can last long as well, but it involves the cutting down of healthy adjacent teeth that may be affected in the future. With dental implants, no adjacent teeth are affected in any way. With proper care and hygiene, as well as seeing a hygienist regularly, dental implants can last up to 10 years or longer.

They don’t affect your speech & eating.

When people lose their teeth and they have to wear dentures, their speech is sometimes impaired because the denture covers a large surface area of the mouth and on many occasions covers the entire palate. With dental implants, this is a thing of the past. Plus, you can eat practically anything you want, and enjoy your foods and the flavours, because your taste sensations are not affected as they do with dentures that cover the palate. In addition, if a denture is not supported well, it might move around. So, you would not be able to eat food which requires a lot of chewing if the denture comes out. Dental implants are fixed, so no worries there.

You protect healthy teeth

If you have missing teeth and want to consider a bridge, you have to cut the adjacent teeth. With dental implants, you don’t have to cut healthy teeth. Therefore, you are protecting other teeth for the long term.

Same Day Teeth Suite offers high-quality dental implants. Our trusted and knowledgeable experts treat numerous cases each day that require advanced skills and knowing a broad spectrum of the latest in dentistry, in order to provide the most efficient services and solutions to dental problems. If you are concerned about anything related to your overall oral health or want to know a bit more about dental implants, feel free to contact us or call us on 01509 323420 and book your first consultation completely free of any charges!

You may have had a dental crown fitted in the past but what you may not know is whatever material they are made from, be it porcelain or gold, they don’t last forever.  The Same Day Teeth Suite explains why your crowns might need replacing and what happens when you need a new crown.

There are a variety of reasons a crown might need to be replaced including:

  1. Damage – Cracked or broken crowns

    Crowns are made of porcelain or ceramic or porcelain fused to metal or gold, known as PFM, for added strength.  However, they can crack or break, especially when trauma is involved. If you have had a fall, bitten on a hard toffee or have been injured in contact sports, you can damage your crown.

  2. Excessive Wear – Formation of a hole or wear to the opposing teeth

    As with most things, over time crowns start to age and deteriorate.  A hole might start to appear in a gold or metal crown, and wear can be seen on opposing teeth, with PFM crowns, especially if you are prone to grinding your teeth.

  3. Complications With Tooth Decay

    The margins, the join between the crown and the tooth underneath, can start to leak, causing decay. All types of crowns are equally at risk. Regular check up’s with your dentist will make sure you spot any indications of decay early on.

  4. Deterioration Of Cosmetic Appearance

    Over time, gums shrink and as they shrink back they leave the margins exposed, often displaying unsightly margins. The porcelain on white crowns can also change texture or pick up stains over time. This is more noticeable with any front porcelain crowns but especially with PFM’s.

  5. Why Replace A Crown

    Whether you have damaged your crown, it is wearing out, you have signs of tooth decay or your crown is beginning to look unsightly, it is a good indication you should have your crown replaced for functional, health and aesthetic reasons.

  6. Crown Replacement Procedure

    Crown replacement procedures can often be straightforward, especially if any problems are spotted early.  If you have broken, chipped or cracked your crown, or when leakage initially begins, don’t delay in making an appointment with your dentist.  As time progresses, the chances of leaking crowns causing further decay to the tooth underneath increases, making crown replacement a more complex procedure.

During the replacement process, the old crown is removed from the tooth, and the natural tooth underneath is exposed.  The natural tooth is made decay free and healthy.  The tooth may require a build-up to get it back to its original contour. Impressions and moulds are then made to allow for a construction of a new crown, which is then cemented or bonded in place in a conventional way.

The skilled technicians at our laboratory will make a replacement crown to match in shape and size to your existing teeth, giving you back your smile. The dentist will advise you on the best materials for your crown; porcelain, ceramic or porcelain fused to metal or gold, depending on the position of the tooth.

If you would like to know more about replacing your crown, contact us by leaving a comment and we will answer any further questions you may have.

Dentures. It’s a word that conjures up images of a set of complete teeth, along with their gums, fizzing away in water during the night. However, the world of prosthetic teeth is actually quite different to how many people imagine it to be, and dentures can come in many forms. So if you’re unhappy or frustrated with your removable dentures then there are solutions available to you.

Dentures – no longer the only option for prosthetic teeth

Whilst the majority of people are still under the impression that removable dentures make for the only option when it comes to prosthetic teeth, there are in fact other solutions that may be far more suitable. Common solutions for tooth loss include a fixed partial denture (commonly known as a ‘bridge’), the removable partial denture and the removable full denture (which is the ‘traditional’ denture). You may also be a suitable patient for a full set of dentures which are securely fixed in the mouth.

The problems with dentures

Whilst dentures are used by millions around the world each and every day, they’re not without their problems and at the Same Day Teeth Suite we regularly hear about how they affect our patient’s day to day lives. One of the most reported issues is that the wearer must contend with their dentures moving in their mouth, and very often have to choose between the food they want and the food that’s suitable for their dentures (which usually means opting for softer foods). Additionally, many find that once they’ve become used to their dentures, the wearer‘s mouth shape has changed and they must be refitted for a new set. This occurs because dentures place a strain on the bones that lie underneath the gum, and daily denture use means that the user suffers bone loss in their jaw which changes the shape of the person’s mouth. These exact problems also occur when the wearer uses removable partial dentures, as the mechanics of the fit are exactly the same.

The alternative to the problems of dentures

With all the problems that denture wearers experience, dentures make for an imperfect solution for those that need prosthetic teeth. So if you find yourself in this situation, whether you’re a wearer of full or partial dentures, then you’ll probably want to know what the other options are. In this instance, a promising option may be a supported full upper denture, where a series of dental implants help support the denture, ensuring that it’s held firmly in place. This solution is perfect for those that are looking for a denture that is free from needing a palate (the guard that sits on the roof of your mouth). It also provides the wearer with teeth that look far more natural than the look that traditional dentures provide. They also protect against bone loss as the fixed denture fuses with the jawline.
Additionally, SameDay Teeth Suite patients that opt for full or partially fixed dentures frequently say that this solution feels far more like their own natural teeth and make for a stable and comfortable solution to an age-old problem.

The Same Day Teeth Suite stay at the very forefront of dental knowledge and technology. With centres in Leicester, Nottingham and Loughborough in the Midlands they help dental care patients find the solution that right for them. If you want to know what your options are when it comes to your prosthetic teeth contact the SameDay Teeth Suite to find out.

Even the toughest and bravest of us baulk at the idea of having a tooth extracted.  The very thought is enough to send us running in the opposite direction. Fortunately for anyone who needs a tooth removed, the Same Day Teeth Suite can make this a painless, stress-free experience, putting your anxieties to rest once and for all.

  1. Why extract teeth?

    Nowadays,  adult teeth are only extracted by your dentist for a  very good reason. Your dentist will do everything in his power to save a tooth before even contemplating extraction. However, this is not always possible. You may have a badly infected or decayed tooth or your wisdom teeth have erupted, and you will be better off having them extracted before they cause serious problems. Perhaps you have a very overcrowded mouth with too many teeth and need to lose a few in order to allow the remainder to be straightened. Alternatively, you need dental implants or dentures and need to have some teeth extracted to make way for implant surgery and your new crowns.

  2. How is a tooth extracted?

    When a tooth can’t be saved or is causing problems, and all alternative remedies have been exhausted, it will have to be extracted. The procedure involves numbing the area with anaesthetic so you can’t feel any pain or discomfort. The only sensation you will feel is a slight pressure as the dentist forcibly moves the tooth, loosening the ligaments and bone enough to allow the tooth to slip out. You may hear an unpleasant splintering noise, but as the whole procedure is over in seconds, there is nothing to worry about. It is as simple as that!

  3. What happens after tooth extraction?

    As soon as the tooth, or teeth, have been removed, the socket of the tooth is packed with a pad of surgical wool, and you bite down to apply pressure. After a few minutes, the bleeding stops, and a clot begins to form. It is always a good idea to ask a family member or friend to drive you home as, for the first 24 hours following tooth extraction, you must not take any exercise. Any increase in blood pressure can cause the socket to start bleeding again. Do not rinse the socket and disturb the clot in the first 24 hours. Do not smoke and avoid alcohol, as these both can disrupt and delay the healing process.

The following day you will need to start hot water and salt mouthwashes to keep the socket clean and assist healing. A gentle rinse, and not a gargle, will prevent shifting the clot which will have formed in the empty socket, causing it to bleed again. If you are on blood thinning medication, your dentist will go over all the essential safeguards before you begin treatment.

What do you do about the gap?

One of the most distressing factors with tooth extraction is the idea of a gap in your teeth. Even just one tooth, especially if it is at the front, can look unsightly, make it awkward to eat or to speak naturally and ruin a smile. Once your mouth has healed, we can begin treatment to resolve the problem with a dental implant fitted into the empty socket and a custom made crown to take the place of your lost tooth. We will soon have you smiling again.

Is fear getting in the way of your needed tooth extraction? Post a comment below if you have any question or need reassurance.

In dentistry, hypodontia is the condition at which the patient has missing teeth as a result of the failure of those teeth to develop.  Hypodontia describes a situation where the patient is missing up to five permanent teeth, usually involving the maxillary lateral incisors, the teeth either side of your two top front teeth. The baby teeth, or milk teeth, fall out but the adult, permanent teeth do not grow in, leaving the child with a complex problem that may not be resolved until adulthood and only with the help of a good dentist.  Such a condition can leave the young patient very distressed, but the Same Day Teeth Suite can restore your smile and your confidence long after you have stopped believing in the tooth fairy.  If the problem was not treated in your teens, it is never too late to make a new smile.

During their lifetime a person will have two sets of teeth; the initial set develops during babyhood followed by the adult teeth by the age of ten or twelve years old. However, some unfortunate children’s permanent teeth never form. This involves one or two teeth and, occasionally, more. The result is the adult teeth become misaligned, losing symmetry, causing misery to the patient at a young age. This condition often runs in families and affects girls more often than boys.  By the time it becomes obvious there is no permanent tooth to replace the primary tooth, a plan will need to be made with an experienced dentist to resolve the problem as the child develops into a teenager and then, eventually, an adult.  As the child will not be fully grown when hypodontia becomes apparent, there will need to be a series of treatments put in place before the teeth can be realigned and the resulting gap, or gaps, closed with replacement teeth; with implants or a bridge. Advanced technology has given dentists many more options to resolve the problem, and it is almost impossible to tell replacement teeth from natural teeth nowadays. The braces used to move teeth into their correct position are very discreet and much more comfortable to wear than the fixed braces of the past.

Case study:  A woman in her early thirties came to see us for help to resolve the problem of her missing tooth; a lateral incisor. She had a small gap between her upper front tooth and her canine tooth, not large enough for an adult lateral incisor.  In her teens, she had worn braces.  As soon as the treatment was completed and her teeth were moved to their correct position, leaving space for a bridge and replacement incisor to be fitted, both her upper and lower teeth began moving again as there was nothing to keep her teeth in position.  The treatment was repeated with the second set of braces and a new bridge but all to no avail.  By the time she visited the Same Day Teeth Suite, she was very unhappy with her smile.  She persevered with new, discreet braces fitted top and bottom, followed by retainers that will keep her teeth permanently in place and a new bridge with a natural-looking replacement tooth.  She now has a perfectly symmetrical smile, and her trials are behind her.

If you suspect your child may not be developing his, or her, adult teeth or if you have grown up with missing and misaligned teeth, visit the Same Day Teeth Suite for a free consultation.

If the teeth cannot be saved, you will need to have some teeth removed. The next step after that is to replace the missing teeth with a form of fixed tooth replacement, meaning either with high-quality partial dentures or fixed bridges dependable on the quality of the teeth that can hold the bridges. This means that you can have natural looking teeth which are fixed onto your current teeth, which do not require any removable plates. Another option is to have dental implants.
Of course, the gum has to be very healthy and have enough bone, in order for the dental implant to replace teeth and mimic the natural tooth.

What Happens if you Have Advanced Gum Disease?

In case you have advanced gum disease on all your teeth, there is no other option left than, unfortunately, removing all your teeth. After that though, there are things you can do to get your smile back. One option is to have very high-quality dentures, such as BPS or Swiss dentures.

Why BPS or Swiss Dentures?

The advantage of these dentures over national health or standard dentures is that you’re using the highest quality teeth to make it look as natural as possible, so no one distinguishes you have a denture.
What is very unique about these teeth is that there are different moulds, different shapes, and different colours. Therefore, we are able the design them to the patient’s features. Another great thing about these dentures is their engineering properties and the way they are constructed. We are using the highest type of acrylic, called injection moulded acrylic, which means that you get an exquisite suction and very good support of these dentures, reducing the risk of them moving.

That said; BPS and Swiss dentures are carefully constructed in a way that allows the teeth to move from left to right, forward and backward, providing high stability of the dentures, besides an excellent movement.
Other Available Options of Replacing Teeth:

  1. Dentures on Implants

    If you lose all your teeth, then dentures on implants is another excellent solution to your problem. The way dentures are made make them very secure, in a very affordable way. For example, we could use 2-4 implants in the lower jaw to secure the denture. On the upper jaw, we generally use a minimum of 4 implants to achieve the desired results.

  2. Fixed Bridges on Implants

    This is the best way of having fixed teeth so nothing is removed. On the lower and upper jaw, we use a minimum of 6 dental implants to allow us to place a well-crafted, natural looking bridge to replace the missing teeth.

  3. Teeth In A Day

    In specific cases only, the final option for certain patients is a procedure called Teeth In A Day, where the teeth are taken out, let the patient heal for a couple of weeks, before we place an immediate fixed bridge. It is a great way for patients that want to avoid the denture completely.

If you have teeth that cannot be saved, or you think they aren’t salvageable, please contact us to discuss your options and find the best possible solution that will bring your quality of life back and ensure your wide smile for many years!