Some patients eventually need a full set of dentures and rather than bemoan this unfortunate state of affairs you can replace all your natural teeth with a  well constructed complete set and embrace the opportunity to have a beautiful smile.

Sadly, some patients with missing teeth have been fitted by another dentist with a poorly made set of dentures which not only were uncomfortable, unreliable and looked fake but altered their profile. Their cheeks were sunken, making their nose and chin protrude, and they did not recognise themselves.  The SameDay Teeth Suite in Leicester are only too happy to make and fit new dentures to boost your confidence and restore your smile.

When researching your options for a good set of dentures, it is important your dentist has lots of experience in providing dentures which are not only aesthetically pleasing but which are stable and reliable.  They must fit and function well.

For those who don’t know, a full denture consists of a removable plate with a complete set of replacement teeth permanently attached.  There are various types, made of different materials, but the one most favoured by our patients are the BPS or Swiss dentures.  Just like their watches, Swiss technology, in the field of denture manufacture, is vastly superior to any other. These dentures are not only the most comfortable and best looking but function well, making speaking, eating and chewing pleasurable and reliable.  Instead of bemoaning your fate, you will look forward to your new teeth.

Many patients fear that after the essential extraction of a tooth, or many teeth for the sake of their oral health, there will be a period of time when they are toothless. The prospect is humiliating and embarrassing and you may want to shy away.  No problem.  Immediate dentures fill the gap while your mouth heals and your personal dentures are being made to custom fit.  Nobody goes home toothless.

Before extraction, we have an appointment with you to make some molds and assess your bite.  This information is sent to our laboratory where a temporary, or immediate, denture is constructed ready to replace your tooth on the day it has to be extracted.  You have a fully functioning tooth, or teeth, before fitting your permanent denture about eight weeks later.

There is a waiting period between the loss or extraction of teeth and your dentures because the bone has to heal and it will shrink.  Fitting permanent dentures too soon render them unstable and they become loose.

Unfortunately, lower full dentures are the most challenging types of dentures. Because the lower jawbone tends to shrink at a rapid rate and, in some patients, the lower jawbone can be almost flat,  a denture cannot have a suction effect without the hardened bone and can be very unstable. The ideal solution is to stabilise it using dental implants. We can stabilise a denture using locator attachments. Two implants are surgically fitted in the lower jawbone, and the locator attachments are fitted within the denture. The denture clicks onto the implants and stays in place without causing you concern.

Another solution is to consider bar attachments, which work in a similar way to implants but, in this instance, the denture is clicked onto the bar.

These are some examples of how we can stabilise a denture by using implant retained denture:

Denture Stabilised by Implants



Upper Denture Stabilised by Implants




Upper fixed bridge with implants and Lower Denture on Implants





If you need to replace your teeth, or your dentures, contact the SameDay Teeth Suite in Leicester HERE for a personal consultation.

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