Posts Tagged ‘dental checkups’

Signs of Gum Disease

Posted on: October 24th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Gum disease or periodontitis or periodontal disease is often silent, which means that you may not have any symptoms until you reach an advanced stage of the disease. It all begins with bacteria that grow in your mouth that may lead to tooth loss, if not properly treated, because they destroy the tissue surrounding the teeth.

Gum Disease and Gingivitis

Some people confuse periodontitis to gum inflammation called gingivitis. Truth is gingivitis could indeed precede to gum disease, but not all gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease. In the early stages of gum inflammation, bacteria build up and cause the gums to bleed easily and become swollen, especially during brushing or even flossing. However, even though the gums may be tender and irritated, there is no worrying for the teeth, given that they are still firmly in place (in their sockets). This means that no irreversible damage to the tissue or bone has occurred yet.

Unfortunately, if you leave gingivitis untreated, it will definitely advance to gum disease. This is when things get complicated and far more serious than before. The inner layer of the bone and gum form pockets (small spaces between the gums and teeth) as they pull away from the teeth. These pockets become a farmland for bacteria and collect debris. As a result, they become infected, and the body initiates an immune response to fight the bacteria while the plaque continues to grow and spread below the gum line.

The bacteria in the plaque and the enzymes involved when the body is fighting an infection produce poisons or toxins that begin to break down the connective tissue and bone that hold the teeth in their sockets. The pre-mentioned pockets go deeper up the gum, destroying more bone and gum tissue along the way. As the disease progresses, the teeth eventually become loose as they are no longer anchored in place as firmly as before. This means irreversible tooth loss.

Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a nasty condition that affects not only your oral (and overall) health but also your self-confidence. Who feels comfortable having missing teeth? Will you keep on smiling if some your teeth have fallen? It is so sad to see people suffer from such an easily prevented condition.

Some of the warning signs that could alert you and urge you to visit your dentist right away include:

  • Tender, swollen, or red gums.
  • Pain and/or sores in the mouth.
  • Bleeding when brushing or flossing (it may also occur when eating hard food).
  • Gums that have receded or are pulled away from the teeth, making the teeth look longer than what they used to be.
  • Loose teeth or teeth that are separating.
  • Puss between your teeth and gums.
  • Persistent bad breath.
  • A change in the way you bite (teeth that don’t fit together like before).

For obvious reasons, having regular check-ups is critical to detect and treat any problems with your teeth and gums early, so you keep your teeth for as long as possible.

For any concerns or questions, please do not hold back from contacting theĀ Same Day Teeth Suite. Early detection, especially among those with an increased risk of developing gum disease (i.e. smokers and people with diabetes) can save your teeth and your health from serious deterioration.

Don’t wait any longer.

Act NOW!